Using the List Management Dashboard

The List Management Dashboard is divided into two sections, providing information and reports about your technical support and lists.

Each section uses icons to indicate its status and available actions:


The Moderation section lists any messages that are awaiting moderation. The messages displayed here are those that belong to a list for which you are listed as a moderator and that you have selected to include in this report. Follow the "Customize Report" link to select the lists for this report. By default, all lists for which you are listed as a moderator are shown.

Technical Support

The technical support section shows whether or not the server administrator has enabled technical support. If it is enabled, then the Life Buoy icon is shown, making it easy and convenient to send requests to the server administrator. Once you click on this icon, an email message opens. Enter any information describing your problem. Please be as detailed as possible.


The table at the bottom of the screen shows list configuration and list activity (changelog) data, which is a combination of the List Report and the List Activity Report. Note that the list activity data is only visible if a list has changelogs enabled. By default, the changelog data is not automatically retrieved because of the time it takes to process the log files, especially if you have many lists or if they have large log files. To retrieve the data, just click on one of the "[+]" links. If you would like the changelog numbers to be loaded automatically every time you access the page, you can change the Owner Dashboard Changelogs setting in the Preferences section.

To add, remove or re-arrange columns in the table, click the "Customize Report" link. On the following screen, you can simply drag and drop new columns or re-arrange existing ones. This link is a great way to edit the information shown in the table, making sure that only the information you want to see is visible. If you customize the table, then your changes will be saved in your preferences and will be automatically loaded every time you log in.

Report Format

This pulldown menu controls how to display the information. You can choose to view the data in a table or as a variety of charts, including bar charts, line charts and a radar chart. Only numerical data like subscriber counts and list activity statistics will be included in the charts. You can also download the data as a CSV file. To change the report format, simply select one of the options in the menu and click "Update". Note that the same sort order and any filters also apply to the graphical charts and the CSV file.

Report Period

This parameter lets you select the date range for the changelog columns in the report. The default is 30 days. If you want to change this period, simply choose a different option from the pulldown menu, such as 14 days, and then click "Update".

Lines per Page

This parameter controls how many lists will be displayed on a single page. The default is 50. For example, if you want to break the table into pages of 20 lists, type 20 in the box and click "Update".

LISTSERV® is L-Soft's email list management software, originally developed by Eric Thomas in 1986. Visit the LISTSERV® Resource Center for more complete documentation.

LISTSERV® is a registered trademark. The trademark identifies LISTSERV® as a brand of email list management software developed by L-Soft.